Inspired By Neha

Inspired By Neha

Hosted by: Neha Singh

Learn to become the master of your mindset and to successfully be able to overcome adversities. Empowered women empowering women is a podcast aimed to support women in their day to day struggles and understand how...


Episode 012: It's Time To Stop Playing The Victim

Season #1

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Episode 011: Triggers Don't See Age It Sees Vulnerability

Season #1

it important to understand triggers well if triggers are left unattended and they become a part of your unconscious response it can lead to unhealthy coping mechanisms or unhealthy behaviors that essentially do harm...
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Episode 010 - Lets Talk Co - Dependency and Identity Within Relationships

Season #1 Episode #10

Codependency is becoming a raising issue we find ourselves getting so lost within our relationships that we tend to forget who we are outside of that relationship. It is crucial for us to maintain our own identity...
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Episode 009 - The Vitality Of Self - Love

Season #1

Self - love is a skill that is a fundamental building block that affects our relationships, confidence, career, health and overall happiness. It is also something is is one of the hardiest skills to attain if you are...
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Episode 008 - Lets Talk Body Image

Season #1 Episode #8

Body Image is a phenomenon that the majority of the population across the globe struggle with. Both men and women are given these unrealistic guidelines of what is considered acceptable physical traits in today's...
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Episode 007 - Hakuna Matata 2022 (Creating Vision for 2022)

Season #1 Episode #7

Hello 2022 with a new year comes an opportunity for a new start. It serves as an opportunity to make new changes in our life and gives up a drive to strive towards ambitions. However, with a pandemic many of us have...
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Episode 006 - Ringing In 2022 With Guest Alex Sundar

Season #1 Episode #6

Welcome to episode 6. This episode is all about leaving behind 2021 and ringing in 2022 with positivity and excitement. My goal for you by the end of this episode is to have you feeling empowered for the year to come...
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Episode 005 - The Power Of Self - Talk

Season #1 Episode #5

Words have a lot of power and what is more powerful then that is the words we speak to ourselves. This week we talk about how our self – talk is an unconscious habit that is so powerful. We talk about positive and...
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Episode 004 - Learning To Let Go

Season #1 Episode #4

Here's a little sneak peak: "Learning to let go is one of the hardest lessons you can learn in your lifetime, but it is also one of the most vital lessons to learn. As children we were innocent all we wanted was love,...
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Episode 003 - The Family Dynamics In Depression

Season #1 Episode #3

In this weeks podcast I shine light on a different aspect of depression, the family. I talk about the difficulties that comes with being a family member of a person who is dealing with depression, as well as some tips...
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Episode 002 - The Relationship Between Boundaries & Self - Esteem

Season #1 Episode #2

In this episode we talk about the correlation between boundaries and self - esteem. We talk about the importance of having healthy boundaries and healthy self - esteem; without both a person maybe at risk. We touch on...
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Episode 001 - We Have All Experienced Addiction

Season #1 Episode #1

Join me in talking about how an addiction is not limited to substances and alcohol.  here's a little preview: What is an addiction? An addiction is the inability to stop using a substance or engaging in a behavior...
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