Hey! I'm Neha Singh


Online Mental Wellness Coach, Founder Of Empowered Women Empowering Women Podcast, Blogger, and Mama To Little A



My goal is to create a space where you can build the confidence to step into your light and be your authentic self without fear.

 I strive to break stigma’s around mental health and normalize having those tough conversations. 

This is a no judgement zone. So let's get inspired!

For more on mental health don't forget to follow me @inspiredbyneha on Instagram and TikTok.

To get a sneak peak at my chaotic life as a mom follow me on @nivitakumar on Instagram and @millennialbollywoodmama on Tik Tok.  


Get Started!

Because You Matter


Be your authentic self, it is when you shine the brightest

Lets Get Started!


Are you ready to prioritize you?


Are you tired of your trauma pulling the strings? It can be scary to take a step into the unknown especially when chaos is all you have ever known, but you deserve happiness and I am here to help you get it! 

Get comfortable and check out what I have to offer.


Infinite Wellness Program.


In 16 - weeks my coaching program will connect you to your inner child, build your emotional resilience and much more!


I'm Interested!

Mental Wellness E-Book.


It's no surprise that physical health and mental health are equally as important so why not combine them for the perfect balance? Download my FREE e-book!


Download Here!

6 Days To Inner Child Reconnection. 


Did you know your inner child carries more then memories into adulthood?! Take this free mini course and reconnect with your inner child in 6 days!


I Need This!


Who is Neha?


I am a 28-year-old mama bear who is obsessed with dancing, preaching self-love… OH! And driving my husband nuts!

As a victim of deep-rooted trauma, I spent several years learning to heal from a past that I could not change or feel motivated towards a future I can influence. With lots of bumps on the road, education, and a bucket full of ambition I started my journey as a mental wellness coach helping other women feel empowered to take control of their lives.  



More About Me Here

Check Out My Blog!



There Will Come a Day: A Choice Between Victimhood and Growth

Stepping Into The Power of Your Womanhood

The Power Of Self-Talk

Check out My Podcast!

An Empowered Woman Is A Strong Woman!

Learn to become the master of your mindset and successfully overcome adversities.
Empowered women empowering women is a podcast aimed to support women in their day to day struggles. It is important to understand how past trauma may be showing up your present life. 

We have difficult conversations that are both taboo and stigmatized but that does not stop us from taking initiative.


Be A Guest On The Show

Is mental health important to you? We would love to hear from you.  

Check out My Podcast!

An Empowered Woman Is A Strong Woman!

Learn to become the master of your mindset and successfully overcome adversities.
Empowered women empowering women is a podcast aimed to support women in their day to day struggles. It is important to understand how past trauma may be showing up your present life. 

We have difficult conversations that are both taboo and stigmatized but that does not stop us from taking initiative.


Be A Guest On The Show

Is mental health important to you? We would love to hear from you.  

"Neha is a women that all women need to meet! She has helped me with my confidence and learning to be kind to myself. She is very responsive, caring and provided excellent guidance. She is really great at asking the right questions that make you think, and guiding you to realize your own answers.I highly recommend her to anyone who is looking to invest in themselves to be a better version that they deserve to be."


Sheena N.

Can't Find The Right Program?

 I get it long - term coaching isn't always what you need. Check out my short term coaching options! Whether you need to vent or add some new techniques up your sleeve I got you covered!


Monthly Mindfulness Challenge.


Mindfulness is an essential tool for mental wellness. Learn different techniques besides traditional meditation to find tools that work best for you!


I'm Interested!

Mental Mindset Reset. 


After working with over 200 women I put together a 8 week coaching program to help you tackle the most common demons to grow and heal yourself! Get on the waitlist!


I Need This!