Are You Ready To Prioritize You?

My goal as a coach is to give you the tools to find self - love and overcome your trauma

Why Mental Wellness Coaching?


The decision to become a mental wellness coach was my chance to mix my passion and a career into one.

Hopefully you got a chance to read my about me page where I talked a little bit about my battle with depression that left me completely impaled.

I did not value my mental health, self - worth, or self - love and honestly I did not know how to. It took one person who believed in me and saw past my mask to make the biggest impact in my life. She was my mindset coach. She rescued me and gave me the courage to change my life around and here I am now being that impactful person for someone else in need.

 I want that for you.  

It is scary to take a leap of faith and focus on yourself. When you struggle with mental health challenges it impacts various aspects of your overall wellness and the longer you wait to make a change the bigger the "monster" will become. 

Your mindset is a huge contributing factor towards your wellness. When your mindset is negative and limiting you from growth it will begin to debilitate you. You will find yourself stuck in a cycle of toxic behaviors, negative self-talk, and fluctuating "highs and "lows."

I believe that our today has a direct link to our yesterday (well duh)… but I mean there is a deeper link. Behind every insecurity, fear, limiting belief there is a story that is steamed from a moment in your past that changed you and settled into your subconscious. We work together to change that "tape recorder" that says "you can't" to "you can and you will because you are worth it" 

I want you to feel unconditional love for yourself, feeling empowered, and confident in the person you see in the mirror. Your voice deserves to be heard without judgement and you deserve to be treated with respect and love.

I believe in collaboration! With me, you are working with someone who will work with you side by side, being a cheerleader, a critic, an ear, a guide and most importantly a person who will always believe in you.

I don't believe I have all the answers because your journey is unique to you. However, I do believe I can be the biggest supporter and guide to help you find the answers you seek.

I tailor a program that is unique to your needs. Why? Because You Matter!

Infinite Wellness Program

In 16 - weeks or less my coaching program will connect you to your inner child, build your emotional resilience, help repair your trauma, and much more. 

Included In This Program: 

  • 4  or 8 hours of monthly one - on - one coaching sessions. 
  • Personalized program designed specifically to your goals.
  • Free access to group coaching.
  • Weekly personalized homework assignments straight into your inbox.
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Monthly Mindfulness Challenge

Join my 30 Day mindfulness challenge. Where you will learn different ways to meditate. You get access to new and easy mindfulness techniques that can easily be implemented into your daily life. This challenge allows you to gain the ability to grow awareness that allows you to take back control of your life and stop your self - limiting beliefs! 

Included in this program: 

  • weekly 30 minute one - on - one sessions.
  • 30 days of step - by - step meditation & mindfulness techniques.
  • mindfulness journal/schedule
  • **** Bonus: mantras and meditation sounds **** 
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My Credentials: 



  • Life Coach
  • Mindfulness Coach
  • Motivational Coach
  • Inner Child Coach 
  • Self - Love Coach
  • Health Science Minor
  • Social Service Worker
  • Addictions/Recovery Specialist
  • Youth Specialist
  • Mental Health Specialist
  • CBT
  • DBT